28 May 2022


(A Cosmic Emergence Story)

There is so much amazing energy with this New Moon, I can feel myself wanting to jump into it, to swim around and lap up all the frequencies… Not that there is any water available this moon cycle. I do feel a bit of Volcanic Hot Spring energy though.

The other day I was watching Pam Gregory’s video about this New Moon in Gemini. Towards the end she said these words “Love is a Fire”. My whole body shook. I immediately wrote it down, this would be the title of this Cosmic Light Drop. It's not simply because we have Mars and Jupiter Conjunct in Aries, though that's part of it. Hang on, I’ll get to all the amazing Aries energy in a moment, but first… I am really, REALLY feeling Medusa and Algol, how we are finding their stories being re-visited and re-told. Finding that these demons and monsters of old were simply misunderstood or perhaps that their truth was hidden from us until we had the capacity to truly embrace it. The Sun (Sol) traveled over Algol the day after our Scorpio Blood Moon Eclipse. Algol the “Demon Star” deemed untrustworthy because they seemed to disappear every couple days, now understood to be a binary star system eclipsing itself every few days. Was touched by Sol the day after one of our biggest eclipses of the year. Magic!  This weekend's New Moon is actually gifting us another dance with Algol as Mercury retraces his way back through their dimension. The Messenger of the Gods will then visit with Algol one last time this year on 6 June 2022, in forward motion this time. The time between this New Moon and this last meeting between Algol and Mercury feels like an amazing time for rebirthing, for re-envisioning your personal stories. Where do you see demons and monsters and how can you see them, yourself differently from an elevated perspective… I spoke more about Algol’s position in the cosmos, located at Medusa’s Third Eye in the Re-En-Visioning Yourself Energy Update 

Yeah, wow this dance has really got me, I actually have Medusa’s Asteroid sitting atop Algol in my personal my natal chart, I guess it’s no surprise that their re-emergence story fires me up. Here comes that Aries energy again, but we aren’t quite ready to leave the Earthy realms of Taurus yet. A new asteroid came into my field over the last couple days, they are the Moire(a). The Furies, the three Goddesses that preside over the fates of man. Not unlike Sedna who was loud during eclipse season (she’s still very much in the mix this lunar cycle too, dancing atop Alcyone, in fact). The Moira are currently dancing with Uranus, very close to our destiny line, all still square Saturn. These three fates, sometimes depicted as demons, others as beautiful goddesses, were born from the blood of Uranus to Gaia, and are tasked with determining humanity's fate. It feels to me like they now sit at their fathers shoulder on our collective destiny line to help us anchor in the New Earth codes that have been flowing all year. With Mercury and Algol nearby, reminding us what we forgot, telling us that we can revisit all our demons and monsters, inviting us to remember that viewed from another perspective they represent the same energies as angels and beautiful gods and goddesses. Especially when we allow them to be not separate from but actually a part of our very beingness.

Mercury is the loudest of all the energies during this particular New Moon, the Messenger is aspecting all of Sol’s large planets in one way or another, pretty remarkable. I could go on and on but it’s Cardinal Grand Cross time again, and this time Medusa’s invited. During the Aires New Moon Frequency Update, I spoke about the energy available with a Cardinal Grand Cross. For Gemini season, we’ve got some new players. So take a deep calming breath cause it's TIME TO GO. In Aries (Cardinal Fire) Jupiter dances with Mars; Still flying In Libra (Cardinal Air) is MakeMake the bird god of Rapa Nui; Capricorn (Cardinal Earth) has Medusa and Magdelena sitting together as Persephone floats in the watery depths across from them in Cancer (Cardinal Water).  

I can’t seem to quit Mercury and Algol, LOL.. But seriously, that the messenger of the gods is dancing with Medusa’s Third Eye, helping us revise this story. All while Medusa’s Asteroid is having a Cardinal Grand Cross party with these amazing frequencies, each experiencing a re-en-visioning their own stories. MakeMake of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) a people colonized and pillaged, held captive with a (his)tory created by the very people who nearly decimated the entire island, are telling their true story now. The Magdelena, whose very existence was denied for centuries, being brought back into the fold. Medusa and Persephone, two Goddess archetypes with stories of abduction, rape and banishment, finding their footing again as we slowly but surely find our collective way to stop victim blaming/ shaming. To find the emPOWERment of their stories. All square dancing with the gift-bearer Jupiter and the Warrior Mars in get’er done - it's time for a rebirth Aries. Damn thats fucking beautiful isn’t it!

Did I mention that the Jupiter-Mars party is also Sextile to the New Moon? A New Moon, which just so happens to be passing over the “Mars-Jupiter” of Royal Stars, Aldebaran. Wow, the gifts just keep coming - a welcome relief after the intensities of the Blood Moon, huh. This is not the first time that Aldebaran has made its way into one of our Cosmic Light drops, interestingly during the aforementioned Aries New Moon this Royal Star was found dancing with Persephone in a yummy sextile with the Sun-Moon, and yup Mercury again… Reading what came through then was a lovely remembrance that Aldebaran is associated with Archangel Michael, with the Blue-Flaming sword of love. There it is Love IS indeed A Fire!

This is such a Powerful New Moon for Birthing your gifts into the world. To bring that which your higher mind created into the physical. One way I’ve been called to journey with this amazing energy is by allowing all the crystal grids in my space to be re-charged and re-imagined through the void point into the rebirth. I will also be gridding some yummy new apothecary treats, stay tuned for more on that..

Speaking of birthing gifts into the world, I mentioned in my last couple energy updates that I would begin offering One-On-One Transmission Sessions. The “nursery” is ready and I will begin dancing with you and your higher self/ guides starting in June. You can learn more and request your session here.

I realize I haven’t delved very far into the frequencies of June and the weeks leading into the Sagittarius Full Moon. There is quite a bit but it feels like they want to be shared after the New Moon via Video Transmissions, so be sure to Subscribe to the Blue Flame Apothecary YouTube and Ring the Bell to be notified whenever new frequencies drop.

Loving these updates? I offer so much more in the Blue Flame Member’s Portal on Patreon, In this held community space, you have access to Guided Frequency Meditations, Weekly Pick-A-Crystal Oracle Card Readings, Live Transmission Calls, A Monthly Members Only Channeled Apothecary Treat, and you are eligible for specially priced One on One Sessions.

Wishing you a magical, powerful, re-birthing, re-visioning, emergence during this New Moon!

As always and in all-ways so much and many loves to you from all the dimensions!



The Incredible Light of BEINGness


Clearing Density Embracing Destiny