Cosmic Light Drops
13 April 2022
Hello Loves,
So as I begin to move us into this Frequency Update, I feel very called to speak first about having my identity hijacked. Well not my whole identity but there is an entity out there who has stolen my personal IG profile and is now pretending to be me. As I type this some of my loved ones are getting spam DM’s asking them to send private information. This entity (person/s) is posting from an account that used to be under my control with information that is geared towards getting others to compromise their sensitive information. I am safe, I did not have sensitive information connected to this account and did not provide anything to them, aside from the link that compromised my account. I suppose I say all of this for a few reasons. One, to help protect you from following this Rabbit down its hole. Two, so you know that the account @fromhils__ IS NOT me. I suppose Three is that I can feel so many reasons I followed this particular rabbit (in spite of the quite loud guidance I was receiving not to) are also a part of the loud that I have been feeling as we are moving ever closer (and by the time I post this probably through) the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction on 12 April, while the Sun has been dancing with Chiron and now Eris. There is a lot going on this month and there is our cue to dive on into these sometimes quite turbulent but also expansive and beautiful waters.
I can feel so much power in this coming cycle. Not only do we have a Full Moon 16 April, a once in every 166 years Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction and many other cosmic energies blueprinting for us but this is also the last lunar cycle before we officially begin Eclipse season… Yup we round out April with a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 30th, more on that in the coming weeks, but just to say, it is coming in so loud that this eclipse season is very tied to the 12 April Conjunction. I can hear my guides saying, hey keep your eyes open. The awakening, expanding energies of this conjunction are tuning you up for the ride through/ into the eclipse season wormhole.
Now let’s talk about COMPASSION. Of all the energies I have been feeling coming in for us throughout this month, this is perhaps the loudest. It is the one that seems to be circling around all the other energies. Earlier today I was taking a bath with the Isis Bath Soak, specially some from the batch that is in our Ostara Goddess Box (which you can get here: https://www.blueflameapothecary.com/the-shop/p/vernal-equinox-goddess-box), each time I’ve used this particular batch of Soak I have cried in the bath.. Although today it was as i got out of the bath, the song “I Am” by Satsang came on through the playlist shuffle I had going and it was these words in particular that got me:
“Well, I'm perfectly imperfect, and I'm only here to learn
And all the evil on the path gets burned
I said, "I'm perfectly imperfect, and I'm only here to learn
And all the evil on the path gets burned"
When I feel into compassion, especially compassion for self, this is the sort of reminder that is so important. When on these spiritual awakening paths there is a real potential trap, an idea that somehow making a mistake, getting something wrong, tripping and falling are always signs that you are not on your proper path. The funny thing is, when I was singing this line to myself the way the words came through was: “And only people on the path get burned”.. LOL right, This got me thinking of Kali Ma, that it is not our ascent that she is proud of, or at least not merely, but how we handle ourselves through the descents. In the challenging times. When we begin to integrate ourselves and have to reconcile the things we’ve done in this and likely many other incarnations. The times we were mean, or hurt someone, hurt ourselves. Can you hold compassion for yourself as you walk through the fire? As the tidal waves crash upon you? Interestingly it was Kali who came in during the week when I was traveling down the IG rabhithole that led to my account being hijacked (I speak more about that in the Jupiter-Neptune Eyes Wide Shut? Video: https://youtu.be/997f2uBJvJU). Kali is also conjunct Chiron on this Full Moon! That feels powerful doesn’t it. Kali Ma, master of “look at your truth or i’ll burn you to the ground” is coming up to dance widely with our deepest core wounds. Talk about shining light where you don’t want to look.. I keep getting this vision of Kali surrounded by the Violet Flame, taking the fire to anything we left on the table untouched as Chiron danced with the Sun and Moon last month. For me something I’ve been dancing around and playing with for a while is “impostor syndrome”, so what does she do? She brings a literal impostor to my door. Kali does not mince words, and she is not subtle as she slays our false selves, one way or another she will get you to see the deepest truths/ wounds you hide from yourself. Often first with love but if that doesn’t work she will bring the sword. Feels important to note that we are just getting started with the Kali-Chiron dance, they get ever closer to one another as we approach the eclipse and are actually sitting right atop one another the day before… It feels like they’re burning away the old tangled vines covering the wormhole/ portal access so it can be seen and take us to our next state of beingness.
It's very telling to me that it was through Compassion that Kali and Chiron decided to drop in, a lovely reminder of how important self-love and compassion are as we walk this path. Staying in your heart, there is another part of the Satsang song that really spoke to me of this:
There are lies in the facets of everything that we see
That are telling us to be scared, when all we ever are is free
I'm letting go of the things that don't serve me no more
'Cause I am holy, and sacred,
And righteous, and true, and I deserve to be here
And so do you
Yes, “I deserve to be here” - wherever, whenever, however Here may present. Not just in those times of heights do I deserve to be seen, loved, held, but in those times of descent too. And SO DO YOU!
Knowing now, really truly knowing the importance of holding ourselves with deep compassion, we can continue our journey. The mighty Aphrodite wants the floor - Venus, as she is also known, has moved into Pisces now and joined up with that beautiful Hygieia, Sirius Trine. On the Full Moon it will be a nearly exact Grand Water Trine between these three. What is she trying to say? Oh yeah, remember love and beauty. Remember that you are love, that you are beauty. That you can heal now and quickly but also it's OK if you stumble and fall, this too is beautiful. You are human and here to learn, to feel, to experience. Interestingly she is also moving ever closer to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction as the month progresses and by the time we meet with the eclipse on the 30th they will all be dancing pretty much right on top of one another. Just a little Divine Love music to wrap us in as we dive into the transformation vortex of eclipse season.
Can you tell that I’m really feeling this eclipse season? It is so fucking loud, everyone keeps talking about the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction and it is fucking magickal I can understand why. For me though it almost feels like its the warm-up act, well no not warm-up more like the composer, writing the music that this eclipse season will play out. There is so much here I can feel it but first…
Have I mentioned Isis lately? I mean other than the bath soak… Well she’s in an interesting dance right now. But before we get into the aspects and angles it feels like speaking of the archetypal energy Isis represents is important. She is one of the Divine Mother Goddesses, what does this mean? Well like Mother Mary, she is one of the few Goddesses whose story involves the miraculous conception and birthing of a divine being, most of us know the story of Mother Mary, the virgin birthing the Christ, Jesus. Isis’s story is not as well known but equally powerful. She conceived and birthed her son Horus after bringing her husband Osiris, who had been killed by her (technically their) jealous brother, back to life. I just had a laugh, this weekend is the celebration of Easter, so as the Christian calendar celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. Isis who resurrected Osiris and then conceived the god Horus will be in a Grand Air Trine with the Moon and Saturn (and Juno - more on this to come). A full Moon is in many ways about releasing that which no longer serves us as we begin the journey through to our next rebirth. Saturn asks us to look at our structures and in Aquarius in many ways about what structures we want to bring into the new. Isis allows us to remake ourselves, to resurrect ourselves. Air represents our mental body and a Trine highlights our gifts.. So one way to look at this particular blueprint is as a way for the Cosmos to help us Remember that we are all Divine Mothers, we all have the ability to tear down, Release, transmute that which is no longer for us, so that we may rebuild and Rebirth our new selves (our foundations) on stable healthy ground.
Then just in case we missed what the Lord of Time is trying to help us see in this more soft and favorable aspect, Saturn is also hanging out with Juno and square dancing with the Nodes very tightly during this week. I can see Father Time now, standing there, a little stern but with a smile in his eyes, tapping his watch and his toe. Are you almost ready? He seems to be saying, and that little white rabbit, standing next to him saying, “we’re late we’re late for a very important date” which may just be an indicator to take a beat, everything is so sped up right now, we have all this forward momentum, that Cardinal trine I spoke about a couple weeks ago is still active (no longer with the True Black Moon but Sirius is still connected keeping things Grand), all the major planets are still in forward motion and we have a couple weeks of Aries season left. So,if you feel like you need to take a breath, a pause, this is a beautiful way to show yourself that all important Compassion. Your spiritual journey isn’t going anywhere, and neither is anything that's truly meant for you. This is a great time to bring in the new, to lay foundations, to open up to all that lays ahead of you, it is also a Great time to pull out the fine tooth comb, or better yet take a magnifying glass to the new blueprints you’ve been working on for the last couple weeks, months? Longer? Bring out the red pen, the eraser, the exacto knife to remove anything that doesn’t need to be there anymore, being aware of anything that may need to be added as well. Perhaps there’s a line that needs to be reconnected? It feels like this is where Juno (Jupiter’s wife) comes in, she’s on Saturn’s side, saying to the rabbit, greatness takes time, beauty takes time. If we are going to remake the world, our inner-world and the collective world into a more beautiful place, a more light filled and divine place, rushing in all headstrong without making sure that we’ve got the foundations in place could result in a leaning tower of Pisa, which while still very beautiful, isn’t necessarily here for the long haul.
You may recall that Eris came in very loud in the last light drop, well she’s even louder this week! Actually on Thursday as Mars enters Pisces She and the Sun join for an exact conjunction. Interestingly before I realized this I caught myself for about a day and half saying the Full Moon was on Thursday, always a good indicator to me that this is a day that is asking for closer inspection. There is something really intense feeling about the 14th of April, it is the halfway point between the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction and the actual Full Moon, which happens to be in Libra (balance). In addition to the exact conjunction between Eris and the Sun, Mars finally makes his way into Pisces, not a very comfortable place for the god of war generally speaking, but after all the inner-work he and the Lady Aphrodite (and we collectively with them) have done together the last couple months there’s a feeling of flow that maybe didn’t exist before. This doesn’t mean things are all peaches and cake, but even in the tense times, knowing we are able to find compassion and hold our inner balance we can stand firm for justice (love) in all things. We don’t need to rage, rage against the dying of the light, instead we can dance, dance to the rebalancing of the light and dark aspects of ourselves and the world.
Before I close this Light Drop I need to bring Arcturus back in once again. But our galactic Way Station is not coming in alone by any means. We’ve spoken a bit about the square dance currently going on between Pluto and this Star, with these two very slow moving cosmic bodies this dance is a long one, however the music, hell the band and entire genre seems to have changed. It is not simply the moon dancing with Isis and Saturn oh no, Arcturus is right there, as the Full Moon is trying to balance on Arcturus’ multi-dimensional lap. What does this mean? Well, here it's the Akkasha nature of Arcturus that I’m really feeling.. We have been revising and revisiting our soul contracts, finding ways to expand our beinginess, cutting the cords that we no longer need, rebuilding the structures that we do. Now as we journey into this hall of records it's not just to burn away that which we no longer need, but to begin to truly integrate all the gifts that lay behind the vines that Kali is working with Chiron to burn away. Saturn is helping us here as well, saying no-thing that does not serve shall pass. You no longer need to carry that dear one, it is not yours.
One last way it wants to be felt, Saturn as Lord of Karma, is holding you, helping you to sort through all the records as the Full Moon holds the flashlight, and with Arcturus also the scales. Venus, Hygiea and Sirius are standing in a circle (triangle) around you cheering you on and reminding you to stay in your heart, in compassion. There are still rough waters ahead but you are being gifted a big huge release and the rebirthing of so many gifts you forgot you held. These gifts are yours again now and will help you on the journey ahead if you let them.
I am called to remind you that the your biggest gift has always been with you, it is your LIGHT and it gets stronger and stronger by the day. It is with you holding you on the darkest, cloudiest, foggiest of days. It is the gift your Divine Mother gave to you as you separated from her source energy to keep you warm. It is also the most powerful gift you have to share with the world, with the cosmos. It is in fact your light that shines through the flashlight that this Full Moon holds and that you are being guided to reclaim, to remember.
Thank you for sharing this time with me, for letting my divine light dance and weave with yours, if you are called to continue our weaving together please do come join me in the Blue Flame Member’s Portal: https://www.patreon.com/blueflameapothecary
I also have some fun ways to play together on my YouTube, including the Crystaline Faraday Cage Transmission and Intro to the “What the Hell are Light Codes Anyways?” Masterclass: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5IyQOICz0Ift_1efAOOedw/videos
I feel strongly that I ill be recording, posting and potentially even going live on the “tube in the coming days as we approach the Full Moon and move even further into this amazing month of activations preparing us for the journey through the wormholes of eclipse season so if you feel called definitely hit the Subscribe Button and Ding the Little bell to be notified whenever I drop some new light.
If you are called to explore Light Codes further, but do not wish to become a Portal member you can also purchase the masterclass separately here: https://www.blueflameapothecary.com/light-codes-frequency-program
However you chose to journey through these beautiful and potent, transformative and loud, miraculous in the mundane times. I send you as always and in all-ways so much and many loves from all the dimensions.