Beyond Surrender


26 April 2022

The Net is Unbreakable

This is an Unbreakable Net

I awoke this morning with these words running through my being, what were they I wondered to myself. I understood that they definitely had to do with the Cosmic Light Drops I would be bringing through later in the day, but where had they come from. They felt almost ancient, Like some Zen or Sufi wisdom I’d picked up in a book somewhere along the way. This happens to me fairly often. I awake with or have come into my awareness at some point during a meditation an apparent quote, only to find it is not actually a quote at all, at least not one I can find doing a Google as Oracle search. Humorously I was able to find one reference to an “unbreakable net” in a Phish song called Mercury, our friendly messenger planet who coincidentally will be going Retrograde at the exact midpoint between Sunday’s Solar Eclipse and the Lunar Eclipse on 16 May.. More on these energies to come, first though feeling called to lead us into these energies with a little more about this unbreakable net.

During the Oracle card reading in the Member’s Portal for this week I was speaking about wormholes, specifically to Eclipse season being a wormhole. As I fall into an “Unbreakable Net” I receive a vision of a wormhole graphic, or the grid-like Tauric field of electromagnetic energy around our hearts. The stretching and pulling as you enter into a wormhole, or into the deeper chambers of your heart, the letting go, surrendering. The ease that comes from this and then the stretching back into yourself as you emerge once again into the new, deeper place that you could never have imagined before you let yourself go. 

I can feel my system really wants to let loose with all the Eclipse energies, these wormholes are  so powerful and profound but I can also feel the importance of taking a moment to explore the enormous potency of energy that is leading us into Sunday’s Solar Eclipse.  Some of this started to come through during our Light Drop from the Libra Full Moon, these energies are all building upon one another right now so that makes sense. I recall saying that the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction felt somewhat like the composer creating the sheet music which would be played during the eclipses of April and May. I still feel this quite strongly and there are some absolutely astonishing stellar alignments the day before our first eclipse that read almost like the soft open, previews, of the concert to come. 

I am being guided to speak about grief now, there is so much beauty and grace, so much love within grief. This is what is on offer for us especially on the 29th, the eve of the eclipse. Can you allow grief to wash over you, can you luxuriate in it? I don’t mean wallow that's an entirely different energy, I truly mean luxuriate. Allow the beauty of what grief represents to wash over you like a spring sun shower. Take a moment and feel into this truth: Without deep profound love there can be no grief and if you cannot feel grief your capacity to feel deep profound love is also limited. As we journey ever deeper into our hearts our capacities for all emotions increases, this is a thing of beauty is it not. Feelings, all true feelings, have their origin in love and through love we can accept the beauty inherent in all emotions. Let’s take a quick moment to look at the skies and see how our stellar lights are mapping the way for us to take this journey into love through grief. The 29th brings us, Kali conjunct Chiron, Pluto going Retrograde, and Venus meeting exact conjunct Jupiter (both also conjunct Neptune). I am now seeing the lights of a runway, a landing strip, these particular points as the flashing lights, helping guide us, maybe with a bounce or two, down into the eclipse wormhole to the transformation that has been divined for us. Let’s dive deeper as these energies really get to flowing now, we’ve been dancing with Kali and Chiron since the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, she stepped up to help us stand in our power and confront our deepest wounds right after the last New Moon and these two will continue to dance throughout this eclipse season. Then just as our Dark Mother and the Wounded Healer come into the closest part of their dance Pluto takes a beat, a pause, and slowly begins to take a few steps deeper into his underworld grotto, where he will retrace his steps until the end of June. Reminding us that it's important to take a moment and see from where you’ve come. To review and make sure that you didn’t skip over anything important in the rush to the new. This could all feel pretty fucking heavy, retracing old wounds, old hurts, all the fallings and crashing of man. I mean aren’t we doing all this work to remember that we can create, grow, move from states of bliss and ease, that suffering is the old way. Yes, of course Yes that is exactly true, but what if instead of saying I only ever feel joy and bliss in the form of happiness we could remember that one of the joys and blisses of being human is that we get to feel sad too and sometimes angry, that when expressed cleanly they are not actually “lower frequency” emotions. Also doesn’t it feel yummy knowing that Venus and Jupiter are coming into a super close dance at this exact same moment. These two when they dance together are all about expanding our capacity for love and beauty, and they are both in Pisces, a particularly happy place for them, and of course Neptune is there too, not quite ready to let go of the consciousness expansion that has been such a part of the last month. 

As we begin to stretch and expand now down, down, down into the tunnel that is this eclipse wormhole it’s being given to me to ask you to take a deep breath into your heartspace, to allow your Tauric Field to light up, to feel how it is through allowing all the grief of the world to move gently, gracefully through your system, without over identifying with it that you are healing those connections. Imagine if you will that you are standing in front of a huge redwood, wrapping your arms around this magnificent being so ancient and wise. Allow yourself to connect deeply heart to heart with this ancient grandmother tree, let her show you all she has witnessed and felt, through this you can begin to feel into the art of compassionate detachment. This tree allows all that is and all that ever was to pass through, all that is to come, she weeps when it is time for weeping and laughs when it is time for laughing but all-ways with love and allowing the transmutation of that which is no longer needed through her roots, needles and branches. Many times as humans we can believe that we must “get involved” to solve someone's hurt, that if someone is weeping there must be something for us to “fix”. This is compassion, yes, but is it really helping? What if instead, you can allow someone to weep and witness this without trying to fix it, to allow yourself to weep without saying it must be fixed? This word detachment, it can feel a little sticky right, it has become synonymous with not caring, what if instead we looked at it as finding a way to become less invested in a particular outcome. Ah I think I am beginning to see where this is all going now… Here comes the Solar Eclipse. 

A solar eclipse has a couple energetic signatures that are always true, that being it is a New Moon and it is very close to if not directly atop the lunar nodes (the nodes of fate). Now generally the New Moon is a time of great potential, a time of rebirth and renewal. A Taurus New Moon with a Venus Jupiter Conjunction, well that would already be an abundance and manifestation portal on steroids. So put that same energetic blueprint on top of the North Node (your future destiny) and you've got one hell of a template for supercharged expansion. 

There is something to be said now about why I keep calling this eclipse season a wormhole. You will often hear eclipses and eclipse seasons referred to as Portals and Vortexes and that is a great way to view them also. For me however there is something different about a wormhole, the way it feels in my system is, I suppose, more mysterious. When I feel into a Portal there is a sense of knowing what lays on the other side, or at least of having a decent idea and a vortex is almost more like a place where you might get stuck. A wormhole on the other hand feels more like a vehicle for inter-dimensional travel, there is an element of needing to really let go, to surrender, you can have an idea of where you hope to end up but your off the map so the route may take you through many places outside even your wildest imagination and when you arrive the destination may look completely different than you previously believed you were headed.

This brings us back to that unbreakable net, the way it's been coming in for me is that we are being shown that the “Net is Unbreakable” that no matter if the ride is sometimes a bit rough or if the leap we’re being asked to take looks impossible to make, we are held, Kali Ma is holding us, our Higher Self is holding us, our Guides are holding us, the Divine is holding us. Ah they are showing me the Flower of Life and the Global Grid Matrix now, this is our unbreakable net also, we are a part of the all of everything and as such never really in a freefall. So it's ok just take a couple deep breaths into your heartspace and like a child at the top of a waterslide, let go. The ride is going to be exhilarating if you let it and when you come out of the chute you can also feel the laughter and joy of that same child as the waterslide deposits them safely into the pool of water.

Taking a moment to feel into where we are called next on this journey. There are many other alignments in the sky on this Solar Eclipse and as we journey through the wormhole into the Lunar Eclipse, however, there are two particular energies that are quite loud. Uranus wants the floor first, this someone I haven’t really spoken much about in these updates yet, which is kinda interesting as ‘his’ energy was some of the loudest of last year and it's not like this year he’s been particularly quiet, LOL.. That said right now he’s saying, you better take notice, cause I’m here to shake things up. Sunday’s Eclipse is actually happening almost directly in his lap.. When we talk about Uranus “shake up” is often a very apt describer, ruler of Thunder, Lightning, Volcanos and yup Earthquakes. OK so, yeah sure, these sorts of aspects (Conjunct New Moon/ Solar Eclipse and North Node) with Uranus can manifest as Earth events, especially in Taurus as they are. It feels more accurate, however, to put this in terms of metaphorical earthquakes. It feels even more accurate to put this in terms of earthquakes (tsunamis?) of spiritual awakening. MMMMM, I’m feeling the New Earth (Howdy there North Node in Taurus), yes, how labor contractions are a form of “earthquake” of being/body-quakes. Of the pain of birthing when you struggle against it and of the love and joy, the ease, available when you surrender to the contractions, allow them to clear and make the space for this new life to emerge. I’m seeing that waterslide again, can we let our personal and collective birth canal be a waterslide?

Before we close this Light Drop there is one more energy that feels important to allow some space, Mercury, the messenger planet is about to go Retrograde too. This is probably one of the most commonly spoken of Retrograde energies, and quite misunderstood. Generally thought of as a portal of computer glitches, miscommunications and general SNAFU type stuff. This feels like a more shallow understanding of this energy. I have more often found that it is not so much about where we are being misunderstood but highlighting that which we are misinterpreting, sometimes willfully so. That voice from beyond the veil or from deep within your being that is reminding you of a truth you hadn’t previously been able, or maybe willing, to see. It’s that energy represented when two or more people walk into the same room past the same painting and each sees something different. It’s not that one person sees more clearly than another so much as that what you see reflects that which you are able to connect with.  There is actually a fun place we can go into about the variance in UFO craft sightings over history and the linkage between what we consider aliens, angels and ghosts, this is already a pretty long update, but this practice is so fun let's go for it.  Let’s begin the exploration with angels, can you feel into the angelic realms, can you feel into what we could call “biblical times”, ancient Sumaria. If a being from this time period saw an alien spacecraft what kind of imagery would they use? How would it present itself? Now think of the saucers of the previous century, and the little fast moving oval-shaped lights that are often experienced today. Do we think that entities that have mastered intergalactic/ Inter-dimensional travel have had leaps and bounds increases in their technology over the course of 50 or so Earth years? Or is it simply that as our Earthly scientific knowledge changes the way in which we experience these phenomena also changes, that we see what we are capable of understanding in that moment.  A Mercury retrograde beginning smack dab in the middle of eclipse season feels like a way to shake up that which we “think we understand” to make space for something new, for a quantum leap into a new way of experiencing the world around us.  I began this update with a line, that I had come to realize was from the Phish song Mercury, the full line is actually a pretty spectacular piece of advice to close on: 

The net's unbreakable

Don't worry about falling

The voice that you ignore

Might be your future calling

If you have enjoyed this update, please consider joining the Blue Flame Apothecary Member’s, - In this held container I share an array of Channeled Frequency Meditations, Programs, Oracle Card Readings and More. It would be an honor to journey there with you.

You can also experience Frequency Updates, Meditations and other offerings on the Apothecary’s YouTube. I have been feeling very strongly that I will be hosting a Live Oracle reading this week on the channel, Subscribe today and Ring the bell so you’ll be notified whenever I drop new light.

In the Shop The Ostara Goddess Box is still available,, interestingly when I channeled through and attuned the various goodies in this special package it was this particular time, the eclipse wormhole, that they were being created to support us through. 

Thank you for sharing this time with me, for allowing me to share these channelings and offerings with you. May your trip through this wormhole be filled with all the magick and light that is perfect for your particular journey.

And as always, in all-ways, so much and many loves to you from all the dimensions,



Clearing Density Embracing Destiny
