Embracing The Art of Letting Go

Cosmic Light Drops

Aries Super Full Moon

29 September, 2023

I was not sure that an edition of Cosmic Light would Drop in for this lunar cycle; during my powerful pilgrimage through the Pacific Northwest as the Moon Waxed Half in the hours before the Equinox Peaked I learned that my beloved Feline Familiar Poppy has an aggressive form of Small Bowel Lymphoma. It was a couple days on the road before I was able to be back home to be with her and though she is not quite ready to depart this plane, she is also not planning to stick around much longer. 

Over in the Members Portal I shared a bit yesterday about the special relationship that exists between this beautiful being who chose to journey with me in feline form for these last 12 years. This is a public post which you can read here if it calls to you: The painful Gift of letting your heartbreak

I say that I wasn’t sure if a CLD would come through as I understood that my time and energy was being called to tending her delicate form, being with her in communion and allowing her to share with me what she is called to share - When in hospice care it is important to be fully present with the departing… This morning however I received the message that sharing in the frequencies with you all was a necessary nutrient for my soul also.

The message to celebrate the deaths as we honor what we are being asked to let go of, is something that comes through my channel often. The gifts of birth and of death are powerful and important aspects of incarnation on this plane. Sometimes that which we are being asked to re-lease is energetic, others it is very physical but whatever form it takes it is always a reflection of an aspect of our beings that we no longer need..

This particular energetic cycle we have been navigating since the ‘dog days’ of August have been asking us to go within so that we can access ever deeper layers of our beings, when we do this the old paradigms and patterns that once defined us will begin to sluff away like so much dead skin.  As we have come into what I have been calling the Akashic Portal, during the Venus Direct and the Jupiter Retrograde station of 4 September, the depths of our souls' core wounds and the light from which we emerged have become ever more accessible to us. This portal was not some simple doorway however, it was a gateway we were invited to pass through. As we moved through this gateway the energies have opened wider; we continue to travel through the hall of records as this Full Super Moon in Aries peaks (at 2:57am Pacific on 29 Sept.), during which the South Node continues to be exactly conjunct with the Stellar Dimension of Arcturus (the way station), this time with Mars along for the ride.

Let’s dive into this energy for a moment shall we, Mars is often the driver, it can represent our passions as well as our aggressions - often called the God of War one of the energies that I have been feeling very strongly during this particular Full Moon is an asking of us to let go of old ideas of what “vengeance” means. I invite you to a re-membering as we bring forth this word, that it is rooted not in war but in a ‘claim’ - when a person says that ‘vengeance is mine’ what they are actually saying is that I claim this - when we claim something we take ownership - so if someone has inflicted injury upon us and we seek vengeance what we are actually seeking is to re-claim our power again. 

In this conjunction with the South Node and Arcturus in Libra we can view Mars as energetically templating for us the ability to claim our power back from those places where we have given it away through unbalanced relationships.

We are also being given access to those places where we, due to our injuries, have sought to power over others; to inflict a power imbalance upon others, where we have abused our power and sought an eye for an eye, leaving both ourselves and the world stumbling blind.

How do we do this? It is in the title of this Light Drop, we Embrace the Art of Letting Go. We let the walls we’ve built around our hearts begin to crumble so that we may feel one another more lovingly. We let the crust that formed around our eyes as they healed begin to fall away allowing us to see the forgiveness that rests at our feet, letting it flow upwards through our roots (our Earthstar Chakra) rising up our spines into our hearts where the branches of this Forgiveness and Love may rise up, meet with our mental bodies (Centers of Expression) growing up as leaves and flowers bloom throughout our Soulstar Chakras; bringing their sweet fragrance and light collecting abilities into this place that holds our karmic gifts that they through this alchemical process are able to filter down into our beings to ever greater degrees.

I am called to share that this Full Moon is also opening the October Eclipse Wormhole (the Solar Eclipse on 14 oct. will actually be conjunct our Akashic Portal); we have been traveling along the bright light, the ‘ring of fire’, that this Libra Solar Eclipse is generating for months now and this Aries lunation is in many ways that molten sea that melts down our resistance helping us to relax and let the energies of this powerful wormhole begin to transform us. Each Eclipse Wormhole is an invitation for profound change, in order for the change to be full however we are asked to let go, to re-member that oftentimes we are missing crucial pieces of the puzzle, which will be revealed to us along our journey, if we try to plan for ‘all possible outcomes’ we are in affect limiting the all which is available to us.

There is much to say about this current cycle we are in and yet, I can feel that this particular CLD is asking to close - In the next couple hours I will be bringing through the Aries Super Full Moon Transmission for the BLue Flame Members Portal, and the Violet-Blue Flame Re-lease Ceremony will be facilitated as the Sun rises on the 29th. 

You can explore the Members Portal here if it calls to you:  https://www.patreon.com/blueflameapothecary

I can feel an Energy Update is also brewing for the YouTube channel; in this moment I am being asked to invite you to explore the powerful meditation and transmission offering that came through during the the Equinox Portal Update: Equalizing to the Super Galactic Center

As I allow my heart to break into a million pieces; to let go of those aspect of my-self which have taken the beautiful feline form of Poppy, and re-claim the gifts that our journey together have opened for me; I ask you to reflect during this lunation on what you are being invited to embrace and re-lease through the energies of this powerful cycle in which we are traveling.

With so much and many loves my friends, from through and beyond the all dimensions,


San Francisco, 28 Sept., 2023


Staring at the Sun, Through a Glass Darkly


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