Diving into the New

Cosmic Light Drops

17 March 2023

There is so much shifting happening right now, for myself personally its been coming through with a not insignificant amount of whiplash. One moment flying high, the next wondering where am I? Who am I? Then Re-membering again my truth again with a re-newed lightness of being. There is no “one way” to be experiencing the tectonic shifts that we are currently riding, and likely for most of us it’ll be a bit like riding a roller coaster emotionally, mentally physically and spiritually.

Part of this for me has been exploring the new ways that I am being asked to serve, I love astrology and writing the Lunar Cycle Cosmic Light Drops, Yet I can also feel that I am being called to share the energy with you in other ways, perhaps this is why Sunday’s Youtube Live is about the relationship between Blue Ray Starseeds and the Blue Flame, not about all the planetary movements happening right now. This is not to say that they won’t come in to guide us, to offer their archetypal energies as we navigate these complex omni-dimensional frequencies, it is simply to say that it will probably not be the focal point of our conversation. 

It does make sense that this is happening now, given that how we experience cosmic-planetary energies is also shifting.  Pluto switching signs just days after the March (Aries) Equinox, and Aries new Moon provides a pretty strong hint to this re-launch. Over the past couple weeks, exploring the shift of Saturn into Pisces has found me recalling how I experienced these energies nearly 30 years ago. I can navigate and explore the energy this way because I have experienced a form of it in this incarnation already. Feeling into Pluto’s shift into Aqaurius, beginning a couple days after the New Moon, then wobbling back and forth between the 0 of Aquarius and the 29 of Capricorn over the next 9 months, is something else entirely. There is no one on the planet who has experienced this energy; the last time Pluto moved this part of the zodiac was as the Declaration of Independence was being written and the Bastille was being stormed. So I have found myself feeling not simply into what was occurring the last time Pluto made this particular shift, but what these planetary revolutions offer us collectively as inhabitants of this beautiful planet. Each of us in a single lifetime will experience dozens of Mercury and Venus returns, tens of Mars returns, and a handful of Jupiter, Saturn and Chiron returns (depending on how long we remain on the planet). However with the “generational” bodies Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Eris many of us will never experience a “return” during a single incarnation, with current human lifespans the only real possibility being Uranus, with an orbit of 84 years. So when we collectively experience a shifting of these planets from one sign to another it can be a bit destabilizing. That said, these shifts also give us an opportunity to redefine our relationship with the archetypal energies typically attributed to both the planet and to the sign it is entering.  

Let’s dive into this by exploring the “traditional” definitions of Pluto, aka Hades, Lord of the Underworld. The Underworld itself, a place of banishment, of punishment. Where we descend to pay for our sins. Over the past couple thousand years this energy has been used to create a structure of fear. Telling us to look to an outer yet still human authority to help us repent, to guide us, and to save us. This was of course not always the case, if we look at the Tibetian or Egyptian Books of the Dead or most ancient Shamanic traditions, the Underworld is a place for deep exploration; a place that offers clues to the mysteries and allows us to rise up brighter than ever. Though we’d have to go back quite a bit further to find a time when this energy was not kept under “lock and key” or reserved only for the priest/ess class. As Pluto begins this wobbly shift into the sign of the Higher Mind, Aquarius, we are being given an opportunity to (re)-new how we engage with this “shadowy” energy. To glory in all the tearing away, that will help us to individually and collectively ascend to even greater heights. We can begin to re-member that it is through the connection of our depths to our heights that we truly evolve.  Another way to feel this truth is with the axiom “As Above, So Below”., and that this is true for every all of us, not just a select few. Aquarius you see also represents the collective, it is about community and equality. Pluto in Aquarius is opening up the true shadow work, to us all.

Pluto’s Capricorn-Aquarius wobble over the rest of this year is connected to another energy that wobbles. The Lunar Nodes, I have spoken before about how our North and South Nodes are calculated, they are generally shown as moving in a straight (backwards) line, however in actuality they wobble a bit. The “True” location of the North and South Node may be a bit different than the “Mean”. This is also why we are having an Aries New (Blue) Moon Eclipse next month even though most people will still be calculating the Nodes as being in Taurus and Scorpio. The Nodes will “officially” shift signs in July, the North into Aries, the South into Libra. So as Pluto wobbles between the final degrees of Capricorn and the first degrees of Aquarius, the Nodes will be dancing between the first degrees of Taurus and the final degrees of Aries, which puts them into direct T-Square contact.

I’m feeling a call to let that be to sink in for a bit, we’ll circle back in a few moments. As we do, let's explore Aries energy. The sign of Aries is the first of the zodiac, as we enter this sign we also celebrate the Equinox; a day of equal day and night. In the Northern Hemisphere we begin the trip into longer days and in the Southern longer nights. The Equinox is literally translated as “Equal Night”, and wherever you are on this big beautiful planet, it opens us up to experience a state of balance. This Aries balance point brings with it a launching sort of energy. You could feel it like that moment of stillness before you begin a rise or descent. I keep envisioning bouncing on a diving board, a jump, a pause and then head first into a new element. This year the Aries Equinox pause and (re)launch is getting turbo charged by the first of two Aries New Moons that we will experience this year. The New Moon energies will already be very strong as the Equinox peaks on the 20th, and will reach ‘void point' at the zero point of Aries just a couple hours later. If we go back to that Diving Board it could be like jumping up, hitting that pause, then landing on the board again, allowing yourself to bounce even higher before pausing again then doing a full corkscrew in the air as you turn and dive into the water.  When we add in the Pluto shift to Aquarius on the 23rd and the Mars shift to Cancer on the 25th it feels kinda like that dive “The Triple Lindy” from the Rodney Dangerfield movie Back to School, also known as the hardest dive in the world. A bit impossible seeming and absolutely terrifying but it is also exhilarating and spectacular.  

This energy also has a feel of impermanence. I keep saying that I feel like I am trying to build the new in the midst of an 11th magnitude earthquake. Laying foundations while the ground is moving at such an intense pace can be exhausting, it can even feel a bit futile. What if I build this section only to have another tremor hit? Can what I’m building withstand all this turbulence? What I keep hearing in response to these questions is that some of what is being built now is simply a patch; a little frontage road to help bridge the gap between what's falling away and what is to come. With a reminder that the only constant in this mattered world is change. Our job is to build to the best of our current ability, while allowing anything that is not structurally sound to fall away. 

This brings me back to that wobble, to the Pluto-Lunar Nodes T-Square. During the Equinox and Aries New Moon it is quite loose. The Nodes are at about 4-5 degrees of Taurus-Scorpio. It will get tighter and tighter over the next couple months then phase out after the final eclipse season of 2023. Actually a T-Square looks a bit like a diving board, we have the Nodes creating the platform as Pluto creates the board upon which we will bounce and take our dive. I’m loving this, feeling into the sign Aquarius, which Pluto is shifting into; the Waterbearer, an Air sign that is so very linked to water. Can we take a moment to in-vision ourselves now, our spirit, as that water, being poured from the heavens. 

To help us launch into this T-Square energy, we have Venus exactly conjunct the True North Node during the Equinox and the Mean North Node during the New Moon. Venus is very happy in Taurus, this is one of the signs, along with Libra, this planet rules. In Taurus it is our physicality that is being held in Venus’ lovelight; our relationship with the Earth and the material world. As we did with Pluto, I invite you now to explore the energy of Venus and how perhaps you’ve been limiting your ideas of physical and feminine love/beauty. Take a few moments to pause and feel into your ideas of Earthly-physical love. Can you feel where you choose to allow Love, and where you choose to deny it? I am feeling a call to also explore what you “believe” is an expression of Love and what is not. 

Over the past week I have been ‘directed’ into a new daily meditation practice. The journey began with an exploration of the “Names of God”; the first day I was called to explore some of these names “Source”, “Divine”, “God” and ask my-Self, do I have a hard time feeling the Love in this name? I was shown that I needed to explore my relationship with the name ‘God’ itself. In the days since, being very deliberate, I have called in God. Feeling, can I allow my-self to re-member that this Name is also Love. It is not a “god’ with whom I have been dancing and weaving, but with the Allness, the Oness. Allowing my-self to let go of the little ‘g’, and all the stories and restrictions that have been placed upon this name. So that I can come back into right relationship with God. To re-member that I AM a child of God, that I Am divine light in bodily form. As I share this practice with you, we are called back to the ways we have limited the expression of Venus; even visibly with the most famous statue of Aphrodite having her arms chopped off… How can we be held if love has no arms?

As we continue re-calibrating our relationships with various archetypes and the planets that we associate them with; let's bring in Mars, who will finish up its odyssey in Gemini on the 25th. During the Aries New Moon we find Mars hanging out in the last degrees of Gemini, gaining ground on Hekate, who has now shifted into the zero point of Cancer.  This means that Hekate is exactly Square to this New Moon and Mars is right there creating a ‘mixed sign’ square. We also have Ceres (also known as Demeter, mother of Persephone) at the exact zero point of Libra making this a mighty powerful Cardinal T-Square. This time it is Ceres and the New Moon creating our platform as Hekate leads Mars out onto the diving board. I have been talking a lot over the last few months about how Mars (and Saturn) are asking us to allow for their expansion, to allow them to become the higher expressions of themselves. Mars is walking out onto the diving board with Hekate lighting the way, and there is a sense that as the “warrior” leaps into the energies of our sense of belonging (Cancer); we are being given an opportunity to re-lease old ideas of “tribalism”, of ‘us against them’, in favor of unity. Allowing for the unique expression of the divine to radiate through each individual and through this bring about a deep transformation in our societal structures.

Mars is also the ruler of Aries, both of which, in “lower expression” are said to be warlike, vengeful, hot-tempered. With this re-launch at the zero point, Hekate leading the way, perhaps we can re-member that just because this was an expression, does not mean it's how it has to be. I’m not saying that we ignore the “lower expression" in favor of the “higher”, but that we allow for an “equalization” to occur. To explore the ways that perhaps some of the so-called “lower expressions” are no longer true, or at least not in the way we’ve previously experienced them. Sometimes when a change occurs in someone that we’ve known forever it can take some time for us to realize and acknowledge that the way we used to know them is not actually an accurate description of who they are now.

As I woke this morning, calling myself back from the dreamtime, I layed in bed and allowed the energies to stir in my body. Calling in my-Self and team, all those beings who might have messages for my waking self. I felt the compassionate energies of Mother Mary, I felt the energies of Wisdom as Sophia came through. It was the Blue Ray energies that were stirring my body into wakefulness. I asked if there was anything I should know. I continued this meditation as I went into breakfast and my morning toilet routine. I was struggling a bit. Feeling so much moving around, how do I explain this? I asked, please help me! I began to hear a song, a beautiful hymnal sung by Paul McCartney. Let It Be.  There is a line that is coming through to share here now. 

And when the brokenhearted people, living in the world agree.

There will be an answer, Let it Be.

For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see.

There will be an answer. Let It Be.

From where does this answer arise? It seems to me that it rises up from within each and every one of us. As we find all those places where we agree. This is what it means to forgo “tribalism” and “us vs. them”. When we realize that we are all running around trying to heal our broken hearts. That my-Self is no different than your-Self. So if some of us are exploring our tool boxes and others may not seem to realize they even have one. Can we let this not be a judgment but an invitation. A place where those of us traversing our underworlds can simultaneously hold up a torch and show others the way? It occurs to me also that if we can let others journey be what it is, perhaps we can also re-lease all those harsh words and judgements we direct at ourselves, those places where we say you're not enough, you should be doing it this way.. Through embracing each individual's unique path we also open up an ability to embrace ourselves to an ever greater degree.

This also brings in a question: What if one of the jobs of a Lightworker is actually to help ferry people across the River Styx? To Way-Show, through our own explorations, that though the journey into the depths is not easy it is profoundly healing, and it is filled with a Love that is beyond measure. 

There are so many various cosmic-planetary line-ups over these next couple weeks, yet I am not, in this moment anyhow, feeling called to bring them through. Mary and Sophia are calling and asking for the floor - and though their asteroids are making some interesting aspects right now, this is not where this call is leading us.

It is an exploration of the intersection between compassion and wisdom that is coming through. Compassion is a deep well, true compassion is bottomless. It is where you can hold someone, anyone, not with pity but with love and gratitude, for their yes to the experiences they are having. To say I see you and honor your free will, your unique expression and your experience. This is also true of Wisdom, it is boundless. Wisdom is not attained through books, it is an understanding. We use the word Gnosis, to describe “knowledge” which is heart-felt; that moment when you hear something or experience something and your whole system just understands its truth. It is a light-bulb in the truest sense, it is a moment of enLIGHTenment.

Even in the word “understand-ing” we can see how Mother Mary and Sophia intersect. How it is through our “understanding” that we “understand”. Which is to say, when we can comprehend that which another is experiencing, and relate with tolerance and a knowing that “you are another myself, and I am another yourself”. That we are all souls having embodied experiences and each of us is doing what we can. Perhaps it may seem simplistic to say this when there is so much turmoil in our world, so much pain and suffering. Yet part of wisdom and compassion is also realizing that we do not know what we do not know. That indeed God works in mysterious ways, no matter what name you use to describe the energy that is the Source of all life. That there is an answer, and as each revolution occurs we are able to experience the answer from a new place, with a bit more wisdom and compassion than was previously accessible to us. This is true for everyone, whether we can see it or not.

This level of empathy is incredibly difficult to hold, it is also part of being a Blue Ray. Actually, most of Blue Rays incarnate into deeply traumatic family lines. We are specialists at transmuting dense and painful energies. Which means we experience a lot of pain ourselves, often beginning at very young ages.  It is our access to the Blue Flame that helps carry us through these difficult experiences and stay in compassion. We will explore these energies further during the YouTube Live on Sunday, hope to see you there!

In addition to the Live ‘Blue Ray’ Transmission, we have our Aries New Moon Circle on Tuesday afternoon in the Members Portal. If you're not already a member, come on over and check out the Portal. It would be such an honor and gift to welcome you into our growing community, to journey together as we re-member our unique medicine. In addition to our Live Transmission Activation circle every New Moon, I also facilitate a Violet Flame Release every Full Moon, and share all sorts of yummy content and treats throughout each month. You can learn more and become a member here: https://www.patreon.com/blueflameapothecary

As we jump together off this great cosmic diving board I share with you boundless love and bottomless gratitude, all ways and through all dimensions,



Balance Beams & Free Falls


Standing Bravely in Love