Deep Dives and Rolling Tides

Cosmic Light Drops

Cancer New Moon 17/ 18 July 2023

The times they are a changin’, or maybe I should say the tides, this being the Light Drop for a watery Cancer New Moon..

I am sitting here in front of my computer asking, what is it that needs to be shared? What is the truest expression of this cycle that can be brought through via this medium in this moment.

This is actually one of my loudest prayers of late, ‘what is the highest truth currently accessible to me? And please help me to remain in grace when that truth recedes to make way for the new.’ This actually feels like a great way to describe All The Feels I’m experiencing as the lunar nodes begin to wobble out of Taurus-Scorpio and into Aries-Libra.. Inviting us to let go of old out-dated modes of exploration in order to let the new ways of interacting with the world rise up from the ashes.

Over the past couple months I have been talking A LOT about this nodal shift, and the Square they are making with Pluto; at this moment in fact the ‘Mean’ Nodes are transiting into the 29 degree of Aries and Libra, making a Cardinal Grand Cross with Pluto at 29 of Capricorn and Hekate at 29 of Cancer - the True Nodes will follow just as the Moon begins to emerge from the Void point on the 17/ 18 of July, when the Moon and Sun will be at 25 degrees of Cancer and very active participants in the aforementioned Cardinal Grand Cross.

Before I go any further I am called to share with you all that this liminal space from which I am sharing this update, this period of nodal transition ‘wobble’, has left me a bit discombobulated.. A sense of electro-magnetic exhaustion that seems to have me bouncing around like the eyes of a cartoon character watching a table tennis match.. I also share that this particular Cardinal Grand Cross and New Moon is lighting up my personal natal chart in big ways.. As I began to explore where these interactions within my personal birth map are occurring a flood of cosmic light came through - a giggle rising up that seemed to say, see how your chart is reflecting the energetic template, the script, that is running for the collective also. This New Moon is traveling through my 10th house and very close to my natal Saturn – both of which represent the foundations and structures that we build our world upon, During the New Moon, Saturn is still moving retrograde now at the 6th degree of Pisces in tight opposition to Mars which recently entered Virgo, a sign of wholeness, purity and healing - An invitation comes in to re-member that Mars represents our Passion and Drive; to ask, what would the world look like if we allowed our true passions to drive us? If we said no more to the idea that we must compete with one another to succeed; re-membered that we each hold a unique template and it is through interacting from a state of wholeness that we can build solid foundations of collaboration. 

I can feel an urge to keep sharing all the ways that my personal chart is being activated right now, but also know that it could get confusing if I share my cosmic blueprint alongside the Cancer New Moons.. So let’s follow the line of Mars at 4 degrees of Virgo and the loose trine he is making to the North Node as it shifts from the 0 of Taurus to the 29 of Aries; Mars is the ruler of Aries so to have this planet of ambition, drive, passion and yes, war, shifting from Fire (Leo) to Earth (Virgo) in the same time frame as the North Node shifts from Earth (Taurus) to Fire (Aries) feels very important - a reminder that all we experienced over the last 18 months while the North Node transited through Taurus is ready to be implemented. That it is time now to bring in the tools (gifts) that we unearthed while the South Node was in Scorpio to the world - to let our inner flame rise to the surface and share this love light with the world…

Just like the ‘wobble’ the Nodes are experiencing as we approach this New Moon, there is also a bit of a ‘wobble’ energy to bringing in this new. Really it feels more like we are being given an opportunity to reflect, to get our house in order, even as we let the fullness of our radiant light shine through.. It could at times feel like, one step forward two steps back; however in truth it is more like the fibonacci sequence, we take a step forward, reach back (within) collect the information from the ‘where we’ve been’, leave behind what is not ours any longer and then leap forward - each reach back propelling us even further ahead than the previous. I just had a beautiful vision come through about this leaving behind (re-leasing) in the fibonacci sequence; because of the exponential jumps there are many numbers which are “skipped over” – let’s take a look.. We begin with the one, reach back and grab another one to create the two; from the two we reach back and grab the one again creating the three; at three we reach back and grab two creating five.. Here the jumps begin to grow, we reach from five back to the three creating eight. Leaving the four behind, it was not a necessary component to our growth, this can represent old patterns, old beliefs, people, places - all the necessary deaths that help us grow. As we continue to grow the space between where we are going and what we are leaving behind also continues to grow; this also feels like why we need these wobble and retrograde times. A moment of reshuffling before we make the next big leap, to gather ourselves, to go within and explore all that we are saying goodbye to. 

This is where we currently find ourselves, navigating a wobbly terrain that shifts us ever more deeply into Retrograde season.

As we move into the Cancer New Moon we find Pluto, Saturn and Neptune in apparent backwards motion from our Earthly standpoint; on the 22nd (Magdalena’s Feast day) the planet Venus will begin her month long transit through the underworld; Venus will meet in conjunction with the Sun on 13 August - a moment known as the Venus Star Point, marking the shift of Venus from Evening Star to Morning (more on this as we get closer); by the end of August-beginning of September all the planets except Mars will be moving backwards - most will continue this way until we reach our next eclipse season in late October early November.. 

There is a lot on offer during this retrograde season, throughout which the Lunar Nodes will be in T-Square to Pluto, who is drilling down in backwards rotation at the 29 of Capricorn. We have this opportunity to clean house, to review our structures, all the foundations that we have created, to leave behind the ‘fours”, all those old states of being that do not help us grow. 

I am hearing that old adage you must know the rules in order to break them; that through the next couple months we are reviewing all the “old playbooks” learning from them what is actually beneficial for our societal growth and letting anything that does not meet this criteria go. 

This Cancer New Moon invites us to explore what makes us feel at home, truly at home - where do we feel a sense of belonging that does not ask us to dim our light, that does not ask us to change our true expression, but rather asks us to become, to be, brighter to share more of our true nature – Eris is in an almost exact Square to the Sun and Moon, part of the wide Cardinal Grand Cross that is so active right now - Kali and Hekate are also part of this in Cancer/ Leo; while Yeshua, Horus, the South Node and Arcturus make up the Libra realms.. Kali and Hekate are like the open salvo, and now as they shift out of Cancer their connection to the Cross wanes; the North Node over the coming months will travel closer and closer to Eris even as the goddess of Chaotic Creation also shifts retro on the 22nd - ‘bringing change come hell or high water’ is what she is saying to me at this moment. If we explore Kali as a an energy that will do whatever necessary to bring our personal being into alignment, into truth; Eris takes this to the collective level, an energy that says if it is not in the highest good for all, if it is not just, if it is for the benefit of the one at the expense of many it will not stand. For each of us this will present in a different way but this Cancer New Moon is highlighting family and our sense of belonging, our relationships, the way we connect to the world (Libra South Node), how we value our-selves and what we create (Venus Leo); and our Foundations (Pluto). Do not be surprised if any place where you are running an old script that is no longer true within these places gets really and very obviously uncomfortable.  

This actually brings me to perhaps the loudest energy I am feeling right now, for the next few months and the cycle, which has already been running but is about to have the volume turned up; The cleaning up of family, ancestral and karmic debris - I mentioned earlier that Mars has shifted into Virgo and is sitting directly across from Saturn Retrograde in Pisces during the New Moon, together they provide a powerful drive to bring more energy to healing internal karmic wounds. Over the last couple months Saturn has been traveling through Pisces with a partner, the asteroid named for Mary Magdalene - who also just (5 July) began moving backwards. Mary Magdalene is the Ascended Master energy that holds the Black Ray, a divine feminine representation of introspection; the inner journey that allows for the activation of greater connection to full creative life force potential. It is on her feast day that Eris starts moving backwards in Aries and Venus begins her month-long retrograde through the creative Leonian realms. Magdalena is also sitting in near exact Sextile to Jupiter in Taurus who is in near exact Square to Mercury in Leo, not quite conjunct to Venus but pretty close and as she spins round they will pull each other closer… Feeling all of this together there is an invitation to go within, to get really deep, pulling up the weeds at the roots so that the garden of our being may grow even bigger. I believe I have spoken before of the 50+ year old Japanese Plum Tree in my side yard. Over the last 7 years or so it had been looking pretty unhappy, many branches never got flowers or leaves any more; we wanted to care for this beautiful tree spirit but there were power lines of unknown provenance running through the branches; likely at least in part why the poor creature was in such a bad way, but I digress. Every time we would call someone to trim away the dead so that the living could flourish we would receive the same answer ‘we cannot because those lines aren’t ours, you have to call the other so and so..: no one would take the responsibility, nor would the property managers of our building and though I would have loved to I did not possess the tools.. So the tree continued to deteriorate, I would share the medicine of love with this beautiful being daily and she would grow as many flowers and plums as she could, dropping some at her base into the side yard itself. Well with all the wind storms and rain we received this year the breaking point finally arrived in April when a massive wind storm raged and she detached from her root base. I sent love and helped the Dryad move on. I could hear it said ‘there is a baby that I am moving into’, and thought this was perhaps elsewhere in the area.. When she detached she did not come crashing to the ground, as the same lines that criss-crossed through her branches were still holding her up. Now the property managers sprung into action, they sent arborists to our house, they however did not have the proper equipment and feared for the active wires; PG&E came knowing if their wire snapped it would be quite an expensive operation to get it fixed. I saw the truck and went outside. The operator said I am just cutting the branches connected to our wires and he showed me the lines in question. I said you know those are the only things holding the tree up right, the whole thing will come crashing down - be careful. He laughed and said NO that can’t be true this tree is too heavy to be held up by this bundle of wires. I laughed and said OK.. well I’m going to watch from inside just in case. I watched from the window as he began cutting the large branch that leaned upon the wire, before he could even get all the way through the tree shuddered and with a loud crack and crash as it fell over, taking with her all the other wires (except the PG&E) that crossed through her branches to the pole across the street and to our building; turns out each of the wires the tree took down were actually dead - they had no current running through them and most of them belonged to companies that no longer exist. After the tree came down I noticed that there seemed to be little sprouts growing in the area around the stump. A couple weeks later Mike went into the side yard and spent the day clearing out all the weeds that had cropped up during the rainy winter-spring months. Suddenly I could see this amazing baby tree that is growing where mama had dropped her fruits. Over the last couple months this baby tree has grown stronger and larger, I have left offerings and met a new fairy being that has taken up residence in the stump mama left behind. The other day I was gifted with a message this was the baby the Dryad was telling me about all along. Can you feel Eris here? As the wind storm that helped re-lease the mama tree from her roots to make space for the removal of all these dead wires so the baby could grow..

It is this same energy that we are invited to for all our own dead wiring, a calling in of the elements, the winds and rains, to help clean away all the dead branches and rotting roots so that the seeds of the new may grow stronger. 

Before I close this edition of Cosmic Light I share with you something that came through in the Cancer New Moon Energy Update I recorded the other day. It is about all this karmic clearing energy we have on offer - I mentioned earlier that Yeshua and Horus are currently conjunct to Arcturus and the South Node in Libra (all part of the Cardinal Grand Cross) - They are also Sextile to the Galactic Center (Sagittarius), which is in a long running Square with Retrograde Neptune and in a tight Grand Fire Trine to Eris and the North Node in Aries and Venus in Leo; all of this is lining up for a beautiful Activation, a place where we can connect to the ancient wisdom held within our depths and the gifts that we mastered throughout our souls journey. Over the past week or so in particular I have been hearing the call to share more about the Akasha; as I was bringing through the Energy Update it came through; as we move through the midpoint between the 777 Sirius Gateway Portal and the 88 Lionsgate Portal, in the days before Magdalena’s Feast and the Eris/ Venus retrograde a special Akasha Transmission and Black Ray Activation will be facilitated. 

I was shown that this is ‘Part 2’ of the Sirius Gateway Transmission and Soulstar Activation, which took place during the 777 portal. This Activation was facilitated Live on Zoom, the replay is available here:  Sirius Gateway Transmission - Activation

This special Akasha Transmission and Black Ray Activation will take place Live on YouTube, Thursday 20 July at 2:20 pm PDT, I’ll be sharing more about this as it continues to filter in. For now if it calls head on over to the ‘Tube and check out the Energy Update All the Feels as the Nodes Shift with the Cancer New Moon, while you're there be sure to Subscribe and Ring the Bell so you’ll be notified as I share more about this special event.

If you would like to dive deeper into your Personal Birth Map, Unique Lightworker Template and explore the Akasha with me request a free Soul Path Journey Consult here: 

Once again, I invite you to experience the potent 777 Sirius Gateway Portal Transmission of Frequency and Soulstar Light Activation, available now here:

Sirius Gateway Transmission and Soulstar Activation

After the Transmission check out the rest of the Blue Flame Apothecary Portal, a beautiful community space where we journey together as we re-member our unique medicine.  Explore the many public posts - 'Energy Reports' and musings - that I share in this space; and Join the the Blue Flame Apothecary Community on Patreon; this way you will receive all future public posts as well. If it calls it would be absolutely amazing to welcome you as a Member also..

Within the Blue Flame Members Portal I facilitate a Live Transmission-Activation-Share circle every New Moon, a Violet Flame Release every Full Moon, and share yummy content and treats throughout each month. You can learn more and become a member here:

However your journey calls you, whatever these tides may bring in and cast out, I share with you as always and in all-ways so much and many loves from through and beyond the all dimensions,


San Francisco, 16 July, 2023


The All Consuming Fire (an Emergence Story)


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