Climbing Up on Strawberry Hill

Cosmic Light Drops

December Solstice - Capricorn New Moon

20 December 2022

Climbing Up on Strawberry Hill

The song for this Solstice-New Moon Portal is Peter Gabriel’s Solsbury Hill. Here in San Francisco we have a special hill too, well we have quite a lot of them actually. The one I’m feeling right now, however, is called Strawberry in Golden Gate Park. Back in the 1890’s when creating the park,  the designer was called to dig up the area surrounding this hill and create a reservoir, a sort of moat around the hill, we call it Stow Lake. Thus transforming the Strawberry Hill into an island; a couple bridges were then formed from the excavated stones and an observatory was built at the top of the hill. The observatory collapsed in the 1906 earthquake but the ruins are still visible.  I am very called to the topography of San Francisco. There is a sense of sacredness, of some long ago forgotten code written out for us in the rise and fall of the land here. The rolling hills that seem to interconnect and even sometimes mirror one another. I recently discovered that a 5th order node (an intersection of ley lines) is located atop Strawberry Hill; to give an idea of the potency of this type of node, The French Sacred Sites: Mont St. Michel (a small island - that is also sometimes not an island) and Rennes le Château (the first church of Mary Magdalene) are both 5th order nodal sites.  So, on the day after our Gemini Full Moon I was called to Strawberry Hill. It was a cold day and getting ready to rain, but I awoke knowing I had to make the trek. While there, I played with the fae and planted seeds of Blue Azurite, Green Emerald & Malachite and Soft Pink Rose Quartz in the hollow of a Pine Tree. Reveling in the stunning views from the top of this hill that is now an island. I began to feel the deep connection to the Blue Flame this place has and the amazing connection to the waters of Gaia.

I share all of this in part to say that as I began to hear the song Solsbury Hill coming in as the theme for this Solstice, the Capricorn New Moon, and into the dawn of 2023. I found myself doing something that the song actually speaks about. “I did not believe the information”, I kept thinking “oh it's just because I’ve recently been to Strawberry Hill”. Then the other day I was out on a walk and called in my team asking, “what is the theme?”; How do you wish to express this current cycle in song. A car drove by me with a song playing and though it wasn’t the Journey Song, what I heard was Don’t Stop Believin’, I began singing this song and said oh that's a lovely song for this cycle and then laughed, this was not the song.. The clue was in the realization that the song I’d heard drive by was not actually Don’t Stop Believin’, suddenly again Solsbury Hill began playing, I nodded my head and said yes, I understand now, this is in fact the song. Part of this also came through as a lovely mirroring of “Lights” in both songs. In Solsbury Hill we find “Climbing up on Solsbury Hill; I could see the City Light” in Don’t Stop Believin’, a song about San Francisco it is “Don't stop believin'; Hold on to that feelin'; Streetlights, people”

Oh I see you Journey, this “Streetlights, People” is a big aspect that is running during this cycle. At the peak of the New Moon we have another Cardinal Grand Cross, much like we did around the time of the September Equinox. In this Cross we find Hekate (the torchbearer) in Cancer; Hygeia-Sun-Moon-Quaoar in Capricorn; Jupiter in Aries; and Ceres in Libra. This Grand Cross is HUGE and Powerful, many of the players are directly on the World Axis, which is 0-1° of the Cardinal signs. The Axis Mundi or World Axis is the point where Heaven and Earth connect. The Cardinal signs are the birth of the new, they mark forward momentum, an action point, where the journey begins. We begin our passage through this Axis Mundi in Capricorn. As the Solstice peaks on the 21/22 December as we find Hygeia and the Sun at exactly 0° on the Capricorn Cardinal Point, two days later as the New Moon Peaks, La Luna joins the party with these three now at 1°.  Hygeia is sometimes referred to as the Goddess of Hygiene, the Caduceus is her symbol. One of the themes we’ve been talking about a lot recently and which was very loud during the Gemini Full Moon is, it's time to get clean with your thoughts. To really connect to what you are thinking, to allow your un-subconscious thoughts to come to the surface so you can connect to them from a conscious space and clear up any distortions therein.  Now we have the Goddess of Hygiene herself sitting with our unconscious (the moon) and our outward expression of self (the sun) at the Cardinal Point of Capricorn, the place where we build our foundations. Just off to their side is Quaoar, the Tongva creator being, who sings and dances the universe into being. Quaoar is not at the Cardinal Point, sitting at 6° of Capricorn and would usually be thought of as outside the realms of conjunction, however this is a SuperMoon on the World Axis and Jupiter is also involved, further expanding the field. Jupiter shifted out of retrograde on 23 November, on 19 December will return to Aries, remaining at 0° through the Solstice-New Moon and New Years Eve. Jupiter in Aries feels BIG to me, partly because this also begins my personal Jupiter return, which will be exact at the end of March beginning of April next year. It's more than this though, Jupiter expands our connections and in this particular instance it feels like,  increasing our ability to connect our inner world to our outer world, to remember at a deeper level that these aspects of self are one in the same. There is also another player at this Aries 0 point, an asteroid named Manwe, I have not previously spoken of this particular ‘Creator Being' who is the Lord of the Wind in Tolkien mythology. A being with very Zeus/ Jupiter like qualities and whom Pam Gegory and Kelley Hunter often refer to as representing the Quantum aspects of creation, connecting us to Plasma and our innate ability to create. I am going to quote Pam, quoting Kelley who says that Manwe on the Aries Point signifies “the turning point of divine intent”:  When I heard this my whole system lit up, I said yes, that is what this next couple weeks feels like to me. That we are being given an opportunity to get clear on our intent, to turn a corner and connect with divine will, to let our intent and the divine come together. With Jupiter joining Manwe here it is amplifying our opportunity to seek and connect to Divine Intent.

This brings me to another of the players in this Cardinal Point Cross, Ceres. The Goddess of the Harvest, is sitting at 1° Libra, and she has been really active these last couple months. It feels like she is helping us gather all the heirloom seeds to build a proverbial ark to carry us through the integration period that is coming. To explore which seeds we want to plant during the sowing season. To remember that balance is key, I keep feeling the story of Noah’s Ark, the need for two of each from each kind. Which feels like the integration of our shadow and light. To allow these “two” aspects of us to find their balance. Before we bring Hekate in, Chiron is knocking on the door as I write about integrating our shadow and light. Earlier today I was speaking about the “unhealable” Chiron wound, how we have been taught that everything needs to be “Healed”, that we need to explore all the things that are “wrong” with us, and find a way to fix them. On the day of the New Moon 23 December, Chiron begins moving forward again after many months of retrograde motion. Chiron is in Aries inviting us to explore the ways we feel abandoned and those aspects of ourselves that we’ve abandoned. 

In the song Solsbury Hill, Peter Gabriel speaks to this so beautifully. He has just received the message from his higher self, but he doesn’t want to believe the information for it will turn his whole world upside down. So:

To keep in silence I resigned; My friends would think I was a nut; 

Turning water into wine; Open doors would soon be shut

So I went from day to day; Though my life was in a rut; 

'Til I thought of what I'd say; Which connection I should cut

An invitation here, can you feel those places where you’ve heard the call, where you know deep down, maybe buried under a whole ton of “I can’t do that because”’s.. Where a deep fear of all the doors that would soon be shut are keeping you “living in a rut”. Remember it is not simply that we have Chiron in Aries moving direct on the New Moon. We also have Kali exactly conjunct the North Node in Taurus from the Solstice straight through the New Moon, and effectively until she turns around beginning forward movement again on 30 December. Aries is the fire of new beginnings, it is the action we must take, Taurus is the material world, Kali asks us what is true, she will accept nothing less than absolute honesty. She stands up and says, Silent no more and will slam the door shut herself to keep you moving towards our truest, wholest self.

Interestingly the ruler of Aries, Mars still in retrograde motion through Gemini, is in an exact sextile with Chiron in Aries. This feels like a little “icing on the cake”, a sextile is a favorable aspect similar energetically to a trine. In this case Mars’ retrograde movement in Gemini helps us connect to how we communicate with ourselves, how we express ourselves. Creating a sort of actionable introspection that can help us explore the wound and remember that it is in our perceived faults that our true gifts reside. Mars is also making a fairly tight Square to Persephone and Isis in Virgo, who are in an exact Trine to the aforementioned Kali, North Node Conjunction and to Venus is Capricorn. All of this together brings us back to the integration of our shadow and light, as Venus in Capricorn asks us to love the foundations upon which we are building this deeper connection to ourselves. To look at where we’ve been with the same degree of love as we share with where we are going. To remember each moment is directly correlated to that which precedes and proceeds it. 

Before I bring in Hekate the amount of planetary energy in Capricorn right now wants to come through, let me introduce the ones who presented themselves through the charts I ran, in order: Hygeia-Sun-Moon, Quaoar, Venus, Mercury-Magdalena, Pluto. Here we notice that Mercury and Magdalena are exactly conjunct, reminding us that it is up to us to tell our story, we are the only ones who can build the foundations upon which our true sense of self can rise. Pluto is moving direct again and by March will make its first foray into Aquarius bringing in a whole new generational cycle. In order to bring this new cycle in however it is necessary to remove the old and already crumbling foundations - this is true for us individually and collectively.  

And here she is the beautiful triple Goddess, Queen of the Witches, Torchbearer and Guardian of the Crossroads. Hekate has been holding her light aloft in the sign of Cancer for some time now, during the Solstice and New Moon we find her moving retrograde at 5° nearly exactly across from Quaoar and in a close trine to Shiva in Pisces.  Cancer resonates an energy of belonging, of family and tribe. Hekate has been guiding us to explore all the paths we’ve taken in search of belonging, all the ways we’ve changed ourselves or made ourselves small in order to be part of the collective. All the ways we’ve gone along to get along. During this Solstice-New Moon Portal she seems to be coming in to help us remember that we too are lightbearers, that it is time now for us to allow our true selves to shine through and light the way for those who are just starting to ask these deep and profound questions themselves.  

All the alignments that have come through in this issue of Cosmic Light Drops, that are creating this blueprint seem to have one common goal. To give us an access point, to remember that the entire Universe is singing and dancing with us as we rise up and own our divine nature, as we integrate the shadow and light aspects of ourselves. Another way to look at this could be to say as we allow our divinity and our humanity to become one and to remember that it all ways has been, we just forgot and that's ok. We get to remember now and through this remembering, let our light show the way for those who are just beginning to remember. We also get to share in this journey so in those moments of forgetting we have someone to turn to that we may remember again. Through this rebuilding process we will have moments that could be called “crisis of faith” and we will need torchbearers to light the way for us, just as we will be that lighthouse for others to see through the fog. 

Wherever you are in this moment I am so deLighted and honored to be allowed to offer this light. To shine upon the rocky shores and to help you navigate these powerful and beautiful and also sometimes quite difficult days.

On the Solstice I will be facilitating a special Live Frequency Transmission and Activation, this free event will take place at 2:20 pm Pacific on 21 December, 2022. If you are reading this before then you can register here:

This event will also be recorded so if it calls to you and you missed the live there is still an opportunity to explore these frequencies, come on over to the Blue Flame Members Portal for more details:

As I close there is a fun little something I am called to share with you about the star Sirius. We have explored the Lionsgate, the rising of the dog star, our galactic twin, the higher self of our Sun. In ancient Egypt this rising marked the dawning of the New Year, a time when the Nile would flood and the New Year would begin. Well we have not completely lost this connection in our modern era. You see the moment that the western world celebrates our New Years Day, Midnight, 1 January, is also the exact same moment when the  Srius reaches their highest point in our night skies.. So as you pop your champagne (or sparkling apple juice) and kiss your loved ones, screaming out Happy New year, perhaps you can connect also to this beautiful double star system. To let yourself feel the love of Isis and Mary the Mother of the Blue Flame of Divine Love that is within the deepest chamber of the heart of every living being. Maybe you can even let a little of this lovelight from your being move out, flow into through the grid of Gaia to the Spirit that exists within all beings.

Rather than creating links within this update itself to various YouTube Energy Updates, I have been guided to share with you this list of Complimentary Frequencies that you can explore:

Remember Your Wholeness Transmission and Divine Chariot Activation - 12/12 Portal

Energy Update - Gemini Full Moon 7-8 December - Sowing Love as the "World Ends"

Energy Update - 29 November 2022 - Exploring your Triggers with Kali conjunct Uranus

Energy Update (Mini) - 28 November 2022 - Wake Up Your Destiny with Kali Retrograde Conjunct Uranus

Energy Update - 28 September 2022 - Examining Your True Self as Kali goes Retrograde

Exploring Your Soul Callings With Jupiter, Isis, Ceres, the Leo New Moon and the Portal of Destiny

Energy Update - 29 October 2022 - Connecting to Ancestral Patterns as Mars goes Retrograde

Energy Update - 5 October 2022 - Exploring your Enoughness with Chiron conjunct the Aries Full Moon

Thank you so much for all that you are, for sharing your light!



Becoming I AM & Feeling Good


And.. I .. Feel .. Fine