Remember You’re Light


Special Libra Equinox Edition

15 September 2022

Balancing Matter and Light

There is so much Light pouring onto the planet right now. I keep hearing that Timbuk 3 song, Futures so Bright I’ve Gotta Wear Shades.. This was also my only line in a school play back in 8th grade, tee hee. In some ways it feels like that is what this Equinox is all about.. Not about putting on blinders, more like finding a way to let the (your) light in without getting knocked out of balance. As I put together the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Cycle Light Drop, I did not know I’d be assembling this special Equinox edition. However, over the last couple days it became clear; with so much on offer during this Portal. So many amazing alignments and energies. It would serve me and us all to put fingers to keys and let the energies flow.

I can feel Kali wanting to start us off.. The “demonslayer” is currently dancing atop the “demon star” Algol, also known as Medusa’s Third Eye. Already slowing down, she’s coming to a standstill here at the 27th degree of Taurus; beginning backwards motion on the 27th of September. During this backtracking Kali will revisit Uranus, travel across the location where the Portal of Destiny opened up and almost meet the North Node again (if this point wasn't also moving backwards, they would meet again). This Kali energy is gonna be a BIG factor over the next couple months and I will share more about her backwards dance in the Libra New Moon Update. Here NOW, it is this slow motion drilling down into Algol that is calling for deeper exploration.

We’ve talked before about Algol, a misunderstood and misrepresented stellar dimension. A Binary system that eclipses itself every couple weeks. Seeming to disappear from the night sky. So untrustworthy.. In comes Kali with her sword, she who will cut away anything untrue. Take a moment now and feel into this “untrustworthy” Third Eye of Medusa, allow the truth of this to sink in. We have, for centuries, been told that our insight (intuition) was untrustworthy; that we should not believe what our hearts and our deep wisdom tells us is true. Instead that we should give this power over, that the “authorities” know more; know better. That they have more knowledge than we do. Suddenly brought to mind the Dark Ages, when the “common” people of England no longer spoke Latin but the Catholic Church refused to allow scriptures to be translated to English. Keeping the clergy as holders of sacred knowledge. How often in the story of this common era has this theme been played out, too many iterations. It feels like Kali has come in to take a stand as it were. To say NO MORE, we are moving into a new Era, an era of empowerment for all. Exposing the truth that each and everyone of us is a holder of the Sacred Knowledge, it literally lives in our DNA.

This Kali-Algol conjunction is actually part of a Grand Earth (with a little Air) Trine during the Equinox. With Pluto-Isa in Capricorn, some more breaking down of old structures, there is even a sense of Isa saying ‘no more, not in my name’.. We have the Sun, shifting from Virgo to Libra as the Equinox peaks conjunct Venus in Virgo and Mercury and the Galactic Pole in Libra. These four are also players in the Cardinal Grand Cross that I spoke about recently. Observe a now retrograde Mercury, moving into position to greet the Sun as it tips over into Libra. Asking us to connect to the way we express ourselves. They meet at the moment the Equinox peaks, passing through the Galactic Pole, helping us connect not just to our galactic nature but to the truth that we are Cosmic, we are part of this entire divine inter-dimensional weaving. 

As these amazing energies gift us with a remembrance of our divine weaving, Medusa herself dances once again upon the center of the Milky Way. Magdalena off in the wings, stage left. Returning to the space she occupied as we journeyed through the Sagittarius Super Full Moon back in June. As I said then, this is BIG Re-Claim YOU energy. Coming in for an encore, Medusa began moving retrograde in Capricorn on 4 May, traveling across the Galactic Center in mid-June. Then as we passed through the Portal of Destiny, just as the Lionsgate opening peaked, she turned around and began her journey back to the Center. During Medusa’s last visit to this location Algol was also being lit up, at that time it was Mercury. The messenger had come in to help us Re-Envision Ourselves. There is a call coming in, asking us to take a moment; to allow ourselves to Center, as Medusa Centers at the Center of the Milky Way and Mercury at the Center point of our Galactic Neighborhood. Can you feel the balancing act they are performing for us, the templating they provide to help us find our center, to help us bring the dynamics of power back into balance.

Can we allow ourselves to receive the fullness of our power? When I was 18, I found myself in a little cafe in an Indiana town, I’d never been there before, I hadn’t intended to be there then. But circumstances aligned and there I sat, awaiting a ride back to Madison. A woman, an Oracle, approached me. She said these words, which I have never forgotten “I have to tell you, you need to know. This is the last time you come back here” (she meant incarnation not the cafe), “You must remember, you need to take your power back”... It took me many years of exploration, of forgetting and remembering and forgetting again. Finally it feels like I am beginning to really remember now. This is not simply my journey to “taking my power back” this is the story of us all. We are all each and everyone of us on a journey to remember who we are, that we are powerful beyond measure. 

This brings me to an aspect that is sitting in Trine to the Medusa, Galactic Center, Magdalena conjunction and exactly Square to the Algol, Kali conjunction. A Divine Family reunion is occurring in Leo with a meeting between Isis, Osiris and Horus. The last time these three were conjunct was at the December 2020 Solstice, during the BIG Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. They won’t get together again for many years. They are being joined by Lilith’s asteroid and Luna, just days before she goes New. This energy is all about Re-Forming Your Sense of Self. We can feel into this by exploring a bit of their family story. Isis and Osiris, brother and sister gods, husband and wife, king and queen. They had many siblings but one in particular, Set, was jealous of Osiris. In part because Osiris impregnated his consort Nephthys, but mostly because Set believed Osiris was the favored son. He “set” about trying to kill him. Isis revived him. Frustrated Set decided after killing Osiris again, to cut him into 14 pieces and scatter them across the Earth. After much grieving and searching Isis recovered most of these pieces of her great love. Then using amazing powers of creation literally put him back together. Once re-assembled, with a newly formed phallus (the original having been eaten by a catfish) and revived, they made love. This joining resulted in the conception of Horus, the divine son, the ruler of rulers. A being with one Blue (the moon) eye and one Yellow (the sun). A symbol of divine union. There are many ways in which this story has been told. What is coming in to share at this moment is, although we categorize Horus as a male child; the symbolism of the Moon eye and Sun eye is pointing to the androgynous nature of this being. We can start to remember that this is the story of each and every one of us. Of our ability to re-form; to re-unite ourselves to become whole once again and in doing so, to be born again as our true divine selves.

As you allow this to percolate through your being now, let’s bring in the Square with Kali and Algol, the Trine with Medusa and the Galactic Center. Each of these aspects is a template, a blueprint for connecting with our power, with our truth. To remember our True Stories and release the stories we’ve been told about ourselves. The stories of separation, of guilt, of sin. The stories that we are weak, untrustworthy and bad. That we must acquiesce ourselves to a “higher authority” that another human in a fancy robe or suit knows the truth about us. A truth that we must be subservient. Oh Hi Lilith.. In comes the “Mother of Demons”, Saying STOP!! It is time now to remember the truth, that I AM, that You Are and that All of us, each and everyone is beautiful, is divine, is part of, not apart from, the amazing and beautiful light that is creation. As Rumi says “There is a sun within every person”.

Speaking of Suns, the Central Sun Sirius is also very active during the Equinox (the other Great Central Sun, Alcyone is too actually). Sirius is the stellar home of the Blue Flame, the current anchor point, carrying the frequency of the Rose (Isis) line. This stellar dimension is coming into an exact Trine with the South Node, a Sextile with the North Node and a Square with Chiron.  Rumi reminds us, “The Wound is Where the Light Enters”. We are being gifted the opportunity to look back at our collective past. All the ways we’ve previously done things. We can look at those places where we created separation from our true selves, where we maybe even abandoned ourselves - Chiron in Aries. So that we may bring forward the gifts that we hid within this wound. The true light of our beingness. We came here to live, to experience all the sensations of embodiment, in order to do so we agreed to temporarily forget who and what we are. This helps us to gain the wisdom of experience, to feel all the feels. We are moving now into a new era, one where we are all being called upon to remember the truth. That each and every one of us is a star.

When I speak of the Blue Flame of Divine Love being anchored onto the planet at this time, this is what I mean. There is a purification that we are bringing through. A leveling up of our emotional bodies. Throughout the ages, as we incarnated and had all these experiences we fractured ourselves through loss and pain and grief. We started to believe the story that we were not divine love, even perhaps that we are not loved by the divine. As we begin to wake up, to remember the truth, we can repair those fractures, allowing these gaps to be sealed with our love light. During this Equinox portal there is an alarm sounding within each and every one of us, at that volume which we most need. This alarm is an ignition of the Blue Flame. For some it will be very subtle, for others huge, others still will not even realize it's happened until they look back weeks, months or years from now and say, “oh, I remember that now”. 

For my part, I have been called to facilitate a day of activations, to help the Blue Flame anchor into the Gaia grid and to help this divine love a-live-n ever more within those of us called to journey together. If this makes your heart sing, you can find details within the Members Portal. It would be so amazing to sing and dance and play this Joy of Existence with you! 

However you are called to move through this amazing portal, I share with you so much and many loves from all the dimensions!



Connecting Yourself to Yourself


Connecting To Our Choices