*This Transmission and meditation was channeled live, over the March 20, 2022 Equinox
and is connected energetically to the powerful frequencies available during that moment in time.
That said, these transmissions exist in a dimension beyond space and time
Your timing is perfect, they are here whenever you may be called to them
Have you begun to hear the call of the Blue Flame? If so please join me live on the Vernal Equinox (Ostara) for this virtual channeled frequency presentation, transmission and guided meditation.
In this Frequency transmission and guided meditation I share information I have received about this divine alchemical flame of love. It is hoped that this transmission and the meditations that are a part of it will help you begin to attune, activate, anchor and accelerate the Blue Flame within your heart center. Which will in turn help further anchor the Blue Flame here into the 5/7th dimensional earth plane.
I cover topics such as:
So what is this Blue Flame thing anyways?
How does one work with it?
What does it mean to be an anchor?
How is it connected to our Chakratic system?
What do you mean alchemical energy? frequency?
Because this alchemical flame is so important to the elevation (evolution) of our beings and the planet, I offer this program for a very low price. I also offer the channeled Blue Flame Activation Meditation for free to all. You can find it below. It is an absolute honor to share these teachings with you whether you are called to the entire program, to work with the activation only at this time or are feeling curious but not called to work with the Blue Flame in this way quite yet.
With Love and Gratitude
It is an honor to help you begin your journey with the beautiful alchemical energy of the Blue Flame. Please enjoy this free channeled guided activation meditation