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Journey the Akasha; an Arcturus Gateway Live Transmission and Light Activation - Replay Now Available

Have you ever wondered why the months of October and November are so closely associated with the thinning of the veils, with ghosts and demons? With things that go bump in the night?

What is it that we are actually connecting too?

Well of course this is a complicated question and the reasoning is multifaceted; however we can touch into the answer through a Portal known as the Arcturus Gateway; which opens as our Sun transits through the final degrees of Libra from the 17th-20th of October meeting in conjunction with the Stellar Dimension we call Arcturus.

Arcturus, a gorgeous Red Giant is the 4th brightest star from our Earthly vantage point and found in the constellation Bootes (the ‘herdsman’). I began receiving messages from this Stellar Dimension when I was quite young, where it was described to me as the ‘Way Station’. An access point to the Akashic Records, and transit hub for souls; Arcturus is also a place where Life Planning and Life Review sessions occur. The Arcturian dimension is a place where we can feel the echos (ghosts, demons) of our souls journey and commune with the other beings we have contracted with to fulfill our karmic missions.

During this Stellar ingress a portal opens through the heart of our Earthly Sun (Sol) and the Dimension of Arcturus, allowing us greater access to our Soul Contracts and Karmic Journey.

This year (2023) the Gateway opens as we find ourselves at the midway point of the Eclipse Wormhole, and we find not just the Sun but also the South Node, Mercury, Isis and Persephone all conjunct Arcturus.

Eclipses, which are connected to the Lunar Nodes (Destiny Line), act as destiny path accelerators; and the South Node is linked to our souls backwards journey (our past lives).

As you can imagine having the South Node united with the Stellar Dimension of Arcturus during this annual Solar conjunction is like activating an NO2 booster as we hit the accelerator.

In order to help us all make the most of this energy I was guided to facilitate for us all, a Live Frequency Transmission and Light Activation. The Replay is now available, by request.

During this open channel event we explored the energies of this Eclipse Wormhole and Arcturus Gateway; As our channels widened through this Transmission of Frequency, we opened further to Arcturus, allowing our hearts to guide us through the heart of the Sun and into the Hall of Records, the place we call the Akasha. Here we met with our Guides and Activated the next level of our Akashic “library card”.

This Free Event was facilitated via Zoom and recorded, use the form on the right to request Replay Link.

August 8

A Journey Through the Lionsgate